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The Panther Stalks, With A Wolf's Soul


As no other, a special man he is

Kind of heart, and soft of voice,

Gentle, considerate, passion abounds

And of spirits he has a choice.


The panther stalks, quietness its companion

Stillness surrounding, even the winds cease,

Creeping along, step by step, evenly paced

Muscles ripple, leaving a permanent crease.


The heartbeat increases, the breathing stills

Imminent danger abounds, eyes ahead always,

Black as the night, the prey unsuspecting

The pounce unforgiving, the tackle a haze.


The wolf guards, watching all about

Intense, serious, nothing gets past,

A glance will freeze unwanted visitors

But a kindness, a friendship made to last.


Gentle, fierce, never-knowing, alert

Silently watching, waiting its turn,

The unsuspecting trudge along unaware

But will soon hear the low growls and learn.


Combine all these traitsin one package

With all abundant love, the softness of souls,

A heart that lets all pass and enter

Along with wisdom, there is no toll.


You will find my son, of whom I am so proud

Who will stand strong, who will win his war,

As I hold him tight, rock him with my love

Forever above me, his spirit will soar.


For my son, Richard, who fought the fight, but lost before his birth with his twin brother, Marc

Love, Mum xx


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